Experience Real Cambodia: Adventure Travel – Tour 34

15 Days

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August 4, 2024 - August 18, 2024Guaranteed AUD 2,750
August 18, 2024 - September 1, 2024Guaranteed AUD 2,750
September 1, 2024 - September 15, 2024Guaranteed AUD 2,750
September 15, 2024 - September 29, 2024Guaranteed AUD 2,750
October 6, 2024 - October 20, 2024Guaranteed AUD 2,750
October 20, 2024 - November 3, 2024Guaranteed AUD 2,750
November 3, 2024 - November 17, 2024Guaranteed AUD 2,750
November 17, 2024 - December 1, 2024Guaranteed AUD 2,750
December 1, 2024 - December 15, 2024Guaranteed AUD 2,750
December 15, 2024 - December 29, 2024Guaranteed AUD 2,750

This new Cambodia adventure travel itinerary is for those wanting to really get onto the Cambodian Baktrax as well as seeing the more famous places this wonderful country has to offer. There is enough infrastructure these days that means doing it all in comfort also.

Start and finish in Bangkok before marvelling at the Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, (Angkor Wat), attractions but in between getting the ultimate Cambodian experience that very few tourists have yet to discover.

These being Sen Monorom in Mondulkiri province and Ban Lung in Ratanakiri as well as the more moderately touristed Kratie.

Visit a minority village from Bang Lung and see many things other visitors miss out on. These may even surpass Angkor as our top highlight.

BUT! Get there fast as word will get out as the visitors arrive and they start raving about these exciting new Baktrax destinations.

ACCOMMODATION = (Three-star hotels x 10 nights, Two-star hotels x 4 nights).

Want a variation of this tour for a private itinerary? Just ask. http://baktrax.com/custom-tours


Expect to see both the super tourist highlights and possibly the even more enjoyable local culture. Get to baktrax destinations before they become mainstream as word gets out.

Expect as good as it gets coffee in the most unlikely of places.

Expect a local experience bus ride but do not expect a seat of your own but rather hope for one only.

As the same suggests, expect to experience real Cambodia and it doesn’t get much better.


Day 1 :

Tonight our Experience Real Cambodia adventure travel tour will stay in; BANGKOK – Our Experience Cambodia in comfort small group tour officially starts when you check into your Bangkok riverside accommodation.

A welcoming dinner will be had in the evening. 

If you arrive early enough your free time could be spent visiting the enormous Chatuchak weekend market and/or, Wat Phra Kaew & the Grand Palace, Wat Pho, Wat Arun, MBK or Siam shopping centres or take a boat ride with the locals on the Chao Phraya express to some local shops in Nonthaburi.

A few of the dozens of other options may be Vimanmek Teak Mansion, Chinatown, Wat Traimit, Jim Thompsons House, Silom or Sukhumvit road shops.

OR? Maybe just lay back and have a traditional Thai Massage. A month in the capital wouldn’t allow you enough time to see it all.

Day 2 :

Tonight our small group Cambodia tour will stay in; PHNOM PENH – As this is a Cambodia tour we will take the fast and comfortable way, with a short international flight to the capital Phnom Pehn
The hectic but fascinating capital is a great place to start our cultural and historic exploration.
Try one of the national dishes of Amok for your first Khmer meal, maybe with an Angkor beer on relaxing Sisowath Quay to get into holiday mode. 

Day 3 :

PHNOM PENH – A day to try and fully understand the short but brutal rule of the Khmer Rouge. A visit to the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek where the Khmers have made fantastic efforts to come to terms with their recent history.

Then to the just as infamous S21 which is now Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. Here you will get a feel of the horrors that occurred.

This experience will stay with you forever. You will come away with far more compassion and concern for your fellow man. 


Tonight our Cambodia adventure holiday tour will stay in: SEN MONOROM – By minibus today for the approx 5-hour drive to Sen Monorom the capital of Mondulkiri province. This is real rural Cambodia with very few travellers making it this far east. Walk around this friendly town with the odd restaurant geared up for tourists already. Explore the local market and stroll around this once wild East of Cambodia to experience how the locals go about daily life.. 


SEN MONOROM – Today we are free to explore Sen Monorom which is easily done on foot albeit a bit of an uphill down dale type of town. There are a number of tour operators and Mountain Bike tours as an optional extra if you want more activity. A visit to a minority Bunong village and a number of waterfalls are just two possibilities. 

Day 6 :

Tonight our Cambodia small group adventure travel tour will stay in; BAN LUNG – Today only about two hours by van will see us even further on the Baktrax in the next big thing in Cambodia and possibly all S. E. Asia. No meals.
As yet undiscovered apart from a few adventurous backpackers Ban Lung is a delightful town that can be strolled around at leisure on a flat layout.
This is a real local culture experience that gives us a unique insight into rural Cambodia. Explore the local market or the other quiet side streets.
Two or three western restaurants with a cold Angkor beer only add to the appeal as well as an amazing, (For Cambodia), first class coffee shop.
In the afternoon you will be taken by moto to see Boeng Yeak Lom, a 700,000-year-old crater lake. A very peaceful and scenic location it makes a great place for a cooling swim.
Legend has it that a Loch Ness type creature inhabits the lake but don’t let that put you off having a dip.

Day 7 :

BAN LUNG – Today our Cambodia adventure tour will go on a one-day adventure trek with a local operator to a waterfall and indigenous village with an English speaking local guide. 
Firstly by car for 45 minutes to the village of Kachon. From here we take a wonderfully scenic boat trip on the Sesan river for about an hour while watching the indigenous people on the banks going about their daily lives.
When we reach Koh Pong we need to register to enter the local commune. From Koh Pong, we walk about two hours to get to a waterfall.

The walk is through some beautiful forests with some remote panoramic views. On arrival cool down with a swim before enjoying a picnic lunch.
After lunch, we return to Koh Pong on a slightly different route before driving back to Ban Lung.
This is a relatively easy trek of approx 6 kilometres.

Breakfast, Lunch
Day 8 :

Tonight our Experience Cambodia small group tour will stay in; KRATIE- Today by van we head for approx 4 to 5 hours to the charming Mekong riverside town of Kratie, (Kra chee). This will give you the chance to experience a much larger provincial capital. 

Day 9 :

KRATIE – A totally free day to stroll around and take it all in. 
First up stroll around the local fresh food outdoor market for a fascinating look at local life. It will astonish first time Asia visitors even more so. Not to be missed.
French era architecture and enough good restaurants only add to the overall experience. Another lesser-known Cambodian gem.
NOTE: Tourists are now coming to Kratie to try and spot the endangered Irrawaddy freshwater Dolphin. If you would like to take a chance on spotting one that can be arranged as an optional extra on arrival. Alas, no guarantees on seeing them at all though. A fin through the water perhaps at best for most. Do not expect to see Flipper type tricks.

Day 10 :

Tonight our Experience Cambodia in comfort holiday tour will stay in Siem Reap – Another interesting day by bus to of between six and seven hours will see us in Siem Reap, the gateway to Angkor Wat.

Late afternoon our guide will take us to Angkor Wat for the sunset views. No meals.

Day 11 :

SIEM REAP – A full day by van or car with a local driver/guide to explore the majestic and mysterious spectacle of Angkor Wat. Apart from the main Angkor Wat complex, you will also visit the Bayon, Tha Prohm and Angkor Thom. 

Day 12 :

SIEM REAP – A free day to wander around not so sleepy these days, Siem Reap. 
A few of the sights and/or activities may include:
The Angkor National Museum. or a cooking courses.
For shoppers:
Artisans d’Angkor has a shop selling various pieces relating to local culture.
Shops set up to benefit the blind, disabled and other worthy causes include Krouser Thmey, Nyemo,Rajana, Rehab Craft, Sentaurs d’Angkor and Tabitha Cambodia. These shops sell a variety of goods which include silk products, arts and craft, clothing, wallets, bags and the like.
Unlike the lesser visited places, Siem Reap also has an amazing choice of international restaurants from French to Mexican and lots in between. Pub street also offers what the name suggests for another holiday drink.
Local markets are great for a last souvenir also. B.
NOTE: For those wanting to explore some more of the lesser known Angkor temples this can be arranged as an optional extra on arrival.

Day 13 :

Tonight our Cambodia travel tour will stay in; BANGKOK – Our group tour will have a long but interesting day as we return by bus to Bangkok via the Poipet/ Aranya Prathet border crossing, arriving late afternoon. 

Day 14 :

BANGKOK – A last free day in the city of angels to sightsee, shop or just relax with a massage and/or by the pool. Your tour coordinator will help you plan which way you want to go today. A number of optional day tours are also available. A farewell dinner will be had in the evening. 

Breakfast, Dinner

Our Experience Real Cambodia in comfort adventure travel tour is officially over when we check out of our Bangkok accommodation. An airport transfer is included also. 
Head home knowing you saw both the super highlights as well as experiencing the local way of life while still staying in comfortable accommodation.
We think it may be the real local travel experience you are raving about most on your return.


Prices from:

  • Traveller Prices P/P AUD
  • 2 people share 1 room / Twin Share
  • 2 people (+) booking together / Own Room
  • We cannot match up solo travellers.
  • Other private dates for all tours may be available on application. (Minimum 2 travellers).
  • Peak season surcharges may apply on some tours.
  • A group discount may be available for 4 or more booking & travelling together. Please contact us on the form below for more information.

A This tour is currently a homepage deal offering AU$600 off per person on all the above prices.group discount may be available for 4 or more booking & travelling together. Please contact us on the form below for more information.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Experience Real Cambodia: Adventure Travel – Tour 34
From AUD 2,750
/ Twin Share
From AUD 3,250
/ Own Room
From AUD 4,150
/ Solo trip
  • 2 people share 1 room / Twin Share
    2 people (+) booking together / Own Room
    1 Person / Single Room
  • Bangkok
    Phnom Penh
    Sen Monorom
    Ban Lung
    Siem Reap
  • 3* hotels x 10 nights, 2* hotels x 4 nights
  • Bus, Boat, Taxi, Plane
  • Angkor Wat, (two or three hours at sunset followed by a full day).
    Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng (S21) Genocide Museum, (half day).
    Trek and boat trip to minority village from Ban Lung, (Full day)
    A visit to Boeng Yeak Lom Crater Lake. ( 2 or 3 hours by moto-taxi).
  • All included when part of the itinerary.
  • 15 meals included as per itinerary.
    B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner
  • Minimum 1, Maximum 8